Friday, August 24, 2012

More meaningful

Life becomes more beautiful when you release the chains of guilt, and despair. Allowing God to work in and through you. Not so much that you forget you are a human and that you sin just like another human, but you know God sent His one and only son to forgive you of your sins.

I use to be angry, and hurting all the time thinking others were not deserving of my kindness and good deeds because the

y seem so undeserving but I've found that they do need it even if they are ungrateful. That's when they need it the most.

When you allow the devil to get to you and not be gentle and nice to the ones you think are undeserving you start treating the ones that you feel are only deserving the same.

Being a Christian doesn't make you perfect, and holier than thou. It means you believe Jesus came and died for your sins. Each and everyday, through him and only him will you find peace of mind. All day, everyday. Not some of the time, but all the time.

No matter where you go work, out, another person's house, where ever you go. Yes there are going to be people that test you, and you will not always do the right thing but as long as you have God, and Jesus all day everyday. You doing great!
O.K. 2012

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